So, during the first week of March, I ventured out of the cupboard
and looked for the first signs of Spring. To my surprise, I found my
lilies popping above ground. My outside cat, Amber, was rolling in
the warm sun, watching the birds. And last but
certainly not least, I found the cherry, peach, and crabapple trees with
tiny innocent little blooms! What a nice surprise! Guess it's time to start cleaning out the flower beds!
I couldn't help but to share the pics of this bird, allowing me to get this close! And he even turned and posed for me as I took multiple photos! I love the beautiful blue skies...not a cloud to be seen...just lovely!
This time of year is my absolute favorite time of year, simply because it proves that there is life out there, even after the long, depressing Winter. And for that I am soo thankful. I am also ecstatic for what the rebirth brings. It brings apples, peaches, pears, cherries, grapes, wild blackberries, German Johnson tomatoes, and sooo much more! This year I am hoping to plant a mobile box of herbs to have all summer and winter long, moving it inside when it turns cold. I am also hoping to have fresh blackberries (not wild) and raspberries, along with squash and cucumbers, just to name a few. I am still quite undecided about what my planting adventures may bring---but one thing is certain...I have a large yard, and I'm not afraid to use it!
My grapevines received a new hair-do this year! (With much appreciation to Mom and Ken!) To my knowledge, these vines haven't been trimmed back at least since I moved in in 2003, and therefore had all kinds of miscellaneous plants growing throughout. I am anxious to see just how much joy they bring to my spring and summer this year. There may even be grape jelly of some sort...we shall see!
I just can't wait to see the crab apple branches hanging full of fruit, and to hear the regular apple trees release their apples to the ground..."thump." I can't wait to make my yearly Bubbly Summer Apple Triple Crust Cobbler. But, perhaps the most exciting one of the whole summer, if I must pick ONE, is having that first German Johnson tomato sandwich, with big juicy "maters" from my own vines, just like Gingi grew. Hopefully I will be able to find the German Johnson plants this year. If not, I have a few ideas in mind, you'll see...
All of these beautiful things, plus so much more...I am truly blessed and so grateful for what I have been given...the love in my tummy while watching these beautiful things grow, and being able to share it all with you, with love from my cupboard.
And so...
"These are a few of my favorite things...
When the dog bites, When the bee stings, When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things, And then I don't feel so bad."
(lyrics from My Favorite Things, Written by Rodgers and Hammerstein, & Performed by Julie Andrews in the 1965 movie The Sound of Music)
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